Some people live with minor irritations when pollen and other irritants are present. In those cases, occasionally using some over the counter product seems to keep the problem at bay. That no longer works for you. It seems as if things are getting worse. Now is the time to make an appointment at a local allergy clinic Sugar Land and get to the bottom of your discomfort. If any of the following is happening right now, don’t delay the call.
Constant Sinus and Head Congestion
It seems as if your nasal passages are always partially clogged. No amount of blowing your nose seems to make a difference. It’s almost as if someone has shoved cotton balls into the passages. Since breathing through your mouth is not the best move either, it’s time to seek help.
The same is true if the congestion seems to go beyond the nasal passages. There may be a sense of fullness in your forehead, especially around the eye sockets. It may even extend over toward the ears at times. This is also a sign you may be experiencing allergies.
Headaches are Becoming More Common
With or without congestion, headaches that seem to be more common than in the past is a sign something’s wrong. It could be due to stress at work, or it could be your body reacting to irritants that you’re around for most of the day. What’s unsettling is that the headaches tend to resist over the counter pain relievers. They also take quite a bit of time to fade out.
It’s true that headaches can be a sign of a number of ailments. Allergies happens to be one of them. See a doctor and determine if the headaches are due to allergies. If so, the solution could turn out to be simpler and more effective than you hoped.
The Congestion is Interfering With Your Daily Activities
For some time, you’ve been able to shrug off the effects and keep up with your normal routine. That’s become increasingly more difficult to manage. The drain on you physically as well as emotionally is beginning to interfere with the quality of your work, the ability to interact with loved ones, and even to concentrate while you drive home.
Don’t continue to live like this. Your best bet is to contact a local allergy clinic Sugar Land and arrange to undergo a battery of tests. If the results do indicate reactions to one or more allergens, treatments will make a significant difference in the quality of your life.
And You’re Having More Trouble Sleeping
Reactions of this type don’t fade out when you settle into bed for a night of sleep. In fact, they could prevent you from getting the recuperative sleep that you need. When this happens, the symptoms only seem worse. That’s because your body and mind has less of what it needs to deal with the irritants and contain their effects.
Identifying and treating any allergies that may be present will go a long way toward helping you to sleep more soundly. The result will be that you feel better in general and find that getting through the day is a lot easier.
Keep in mind airborne irritants aren’t the only type of allergen. You may be having a reaction to something you eat or drink. Rest assured that a medical professional will help you get to the bottom of the problem and have a resolution that you can live with.