Although considered by some as an ultimate goal, earning a great deal of money is arguably not a goal in itself. Rather, it is a means to attain a broader, more legitimate goal: to savor the fruits of success and to enjoy the finer things in life. Thus, millions of people strive to earn money from across sources, from employment, business, sale, or service rendition.
As may be observed, business is the most lucrative source of wealth. Unlike employment and service rendition, it has no maximum limitations in earnings as one can earn as much as he could. One could have a single business establishment or a diverse conglomerate yet enjoy the same proportion of return of his investment. In other words, it is in the business where one could operate in the widest playing field, innovate in the largest field of ideas, and strategize in the biggest market segment.
It goes without saying that there could be no successful business without a businessman having an entrepreneurial mind and traits. Certainly, a business is doomed to fail if its owner is not creative and strategic enough that would enable it to operate. Thus, it can be said that the primary driver of businesses is the outlook and ambitions of the people behind them.
Having an entrepreneurial mindset is a huge chunk of business success. There are skills and knowledge that one has to possess, but that is for another talking point.
Success from a business
People usually associate a blissful life with five-star hotel vacations, international travels, branded clothes, expensive restaurants, or practically just being able to buy what a person wants to buy. While there could be a debate as to the objective truthfulness of these associations (since there are some who say that the “true” success is humility and meekness), it is a fact, out of common knowledge, that the luxuries of life give people comfort and happiness.
Also, success from a successful business gives a sense of self-actualization and fulfillment. For instance, the world’s richest men have put up among the largest philanthropic groups and institutions to advocate for a nobler cause, such as eradicating poverty, alleviation of diseases, and redistribution of resources. Without a doubt, their business successes were vital in the institution of those groups, as they, being privately owned, are dependent on internal and private funds of its benefactors.
Furthermore, entrepreneurial success also gives a person so much leeway about how he wants to control his life. For instance, an entrepreneur has the power to dictate his own schedule, maintain his staff, follow a personal cause or preference, and the like. An entrepreneur is not limited or barred by some regulations imposed by his or her higher-ups, giving him the maximum extent possible of control over the affairs of his entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurial roots of social security
As a result of the increased level of wealth brought about by entrepreneurship, the level of social security of a person likewise increases. The resources saved by an entrepreneur definitely create a sense that later on, when the said entrepreneur retires, quality senior care is guaranteed to him. Hence, for as long as he practices financial responsibility, a successful entrepreneur can rest assured that he will receive the senior care that a man of his stature deserves.
This social security may be found in different forms. Usually, social security may be found in pensions and insurance, whether by seniority, health, disability, death, and retirement. The resources of the entrepreneur enabled him to select and pay the premiums of the insurance of pension fund of his choice, allowing him to plan his life in the future by the means that he has today.
Creating opportunities
Indeed, an entrepreneur also faces certain problems in his position as such. At some point, he has devoted his time when his business demands far more than those required to those as employees. Further, it likewise takes so many sacrifices, monetary or otherwise, to keep his business afloat. More importantly, the risk of business failure is just lurking around, which can bring the entire business down when the opportunity arises.
That being the case, it is important to always have a keen eye on the operations of the business. As the owner thereof, an entrepreneur cannot make substantial mistakes, especially fatal ones. Thus, becoming an entrepreneur is always a risky and challenging move. In making such a significant move, he should have in mind the bright prospects it offers. This way, he knows what he aims for.
Meta title: Seeing Entrepreneurship as a Pathway to Success and Security
meta desc: Entrepreneurship is a satisfying venture. Having a business is the most lucrative source of wealth. While it offers many prospects, it also creates risks.