Fighting hunger and that bored, empty feeling in your stomach is one of the hardest things about dieting. That’s why so many people fail. They start a diet with the best of intentions, working out every day, and counting calories. Things go so well at first, but then fall apart because the feeling of hunger overcomes their willpower. Everyone’s done it, and it’s nothing to feel ashamed of. There are ways, however, to stop feeling hungry and push through those critical moments that often dictate whether your diet will be successful or experience a significant setback.
No one likes to feel hungry. Our first impulse when we feel hungry is to grab a snack, often an unhealthy one. All of your hard work down the drain. At any time during a diet, it’s critical to keep your body trained and disciplined. However, there are also things you can do to stop feeling hungry to improve your chances of dieting success. Here are some tips on how you can combat hunger and keep all those gains you worked so hard to earn.
Avoid Peaks and Valleys When It Comes to Sugars
Sweets, carbs, and other glucose-rich foods taste amazing. Our bodies love them because they provide a near-instant energy boost that borders on euphoria. If you pay attention to your body, though, you notice that any peak in blood sugars is met with a corresponding spike in insulin to deal with the sugars. Then you’re at risk of a significant drop in blood sugars that will leave you feeling slow and stressed. What you want to do is avoid peaks and valleys, so your body is in constant balance. When you eat too many junk foods, your body is always left craving more. Your body is worse off because it’s harder to stick to a diet and you’re always left feeling hungry sooner than you’d think. Put away the junk food and eat more vegetables and whole foods that will leave you feeling full for longer.
Eat More Protein and Fiber
Along the same line of thinking, what foods you eat has a huge impact on how hungry you will feel. Fibrous foods and foods rich in protein are generally lower in total calorie count when compared to carbs and other foods high in sugar. They’ll leave you feeling full hours after a meal and your digestion system also lends you a dieting hand because around a quarter of the calories in protein are digested in your system.
High Volume – Low-Calorie Snacks
Everyone gets hungry and thinking that you’ll go from 100 to zero in a day is unrealistic. What you need is a snack food that can bridge you to your dieting goals. Something you can reach for when hunger becomes uncomfortable but that’s low calorie and won’t sabotage all of your work. Some popular low-calorie snacks are popcorn, celery, small amounts of fruit, chips made from vegetables and beans, and other innovative snack foods that don’t constitute another whole meal. Thankfully, there are also a ton of low-calorie, zero sugar snacks available for purchase. They also taste a great deal better than dieting snack foods of old.
How Peptides are Eliminating Feelings of Hunger
Melanotan 2 is a version of the human alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone. It’s a synthetic peptide that was developed at the University of Arizona in the 1980s. Melanotan 2 has a wide range of uses, among them fighting hunger, controlling addiction, and reducing compulsive behaviors. When it comes to fighting feelings of hunger, there is evidence showing Melanotan 2 can lower fat storage in animals and plays a role in food preferences and other behaviors around food. In clinical tests done on mice, Melanotan 2 changed the mice’s preference for fatty foods and also reduced how much food they ate overall. Researchers found that Melanotan 2 exhibited the same effects as leptin, a hormone that regulates cravings and feelings of satiety.
Drink a Ton of Water
Loading up on water isn’t just good for your health, but it can do wonders for stopping hunger feelings. Filling your stomach up with water before a meal or with a snack will make you feel satisfied with less and give you that full feeling you’re looking for. Increased water intake also triggers higher metabolism, so you’ll burn more calories faster. Shoot for drinking around a gallon of water a day. Many people report success shedding some pounds simply by drinking a lot of water each day.
Sticking to a diet and fighting feelings of hunger isn’t easy! It takes a lot of commitment and doing it day after day after day. Make things easier for yourself by following these helpful hints and exploring new paths to dieting success. Soon enough, you’ll be getting the results you’ve always wanted and will be living a healthier, happier life.