There is a very famous quote that says that cleanliness is next to godliness. The cleanliness in discussion is not just external environmental cleanliness but also internal hygiene. Internal hygiene includes everything from bodily hygiene to oral hygiene. In Australia, 48% of children get oral cavities even before they turn 5! 1 in 25 Aussies have almost no natural teeth left, and many (3 in 10) people avoid visiting dentists due to fear or cost.
With the COVID-19 pandemic drastically changing our life, doctors have stressed hygienic practices to ensure fortification of personal immunity. Many dentists in Brisbane, Adelaide, and Sydney offer affordable dental care and adequately explain the routine for pristine oral hygiene.
Types Of Hygiene
THE CoV-SARS virus is known to spread through physical contact and oral transfer through droplets. In such cases, it is clear what one needs to practice–physical and oral hygiene:
- Physical Hygiene: Physical hygiene involves everything from keeping your body clean to practising hygienic practices. From bathing, washing your hands and being mindful of the surfaces one comes in contact with–they are all essential practices to preserve personal hygiene. This is a critical step because every day, we encounter millions of bacteria and germs. If we do not practice proper hygiene, our body’s immunity threshold will keep reducing. As a result, even the slightest illness might affect an individual immensely.
People often forget to wash their nails thoroughly while washing their hands. Nail beds harbour millions of germs and dirt, creating a space that makes transmission of diseases very easy. Keeping nails short is suggested. With the pandemic in place, washing hands thoroughly with soap and carrying alcohol-based sanitisers wherever one goes is essential.
If personal hygiene is not maintained correctly, it not only causes a reduction in our immunity system’s threshold, but it also increases the incidence of other infectious diseases like ringworm, athlete’s foot, body lice, etc.
- Oral Hygiene: Oral hygiene includes practices that take care of the mouth, teeth and tongue. Oral hygiene is so paramount because humans get by only with verbal communication. Many of our basic needs like thirst and hunger and met through using our mouths. While brushing one’s teeth regularly, gargling and cleaning between the teeth are essential to possess proper oral hygiene; regular visits to the specialists are also important.
Many dentists in Brisbane, Queensland and nearby areas offer top-notch services at affordable rates. General dental checkups are similar to general body checkups; doctors check the general health condition of your teeth and gums. More specific services involve a differentiation between children and adult dentistry. While children’s dentistry involves tooth extractions and gum strengthening, adult dentistry involves root canals and complex plaque and tartar removal.
Cosmetic oral hygiene is on the rise with the advent of widespread hip-hop culture. In addition, many people wish to acquire dental implants and teeth whitening to have that shiny smile! Cosmetic dentistry is the answer to these needs.
Apart from fostering hygienic practices, one must also practice a healthy lifestyle. Healthy, balanced diets and timely food also determine the cycle in which our food breaks down to how our body metabolises that energy. Regular exercise and the goal of being fit are essential for a healthy lifestyle as well. Including such practices within one’s daily routine makes the process of fighting against illnesses and chronic diseases much more natural and more accessible. What’s more? Staying fit and healthy will automatically make one feel good about oneself–a positive self-image contributes to self-confidence and life satisfaction.