Social media plays an integral role in the lives of Generation Z. Yubo, a live social discovery app created in Paris in 2015, plays a vital role in the lives of Generation Z. It has become a favorite among Gen Z users, who make up 99% of its user base.
A recent survey by Deloitte found that scrolling social media is one of Gen Z’s preferred ways to spend free time. Only 10% said they liked watching TV or movies to relax, while 11% chose social media. Yubo was explicitly designed to help Gen Z expand their online social circles and make new friends worldwide.
Yubo offers features tailored for online interactions like livestreaming, group chats, and virtual hangouts. As a global platform active in over 140 countries, Yubo lets users explore the world and connect with new people via unlimited livestreams. Up to 10 people can join a live stream at once and interact with the host.
Social media plays a crucial role in shaping Gen Z’s identities, according to social researcher Claire Madden. Her research found Gen Z sees a slight separation between their online and offline lives. They find it easier to communicate online than face-to-face. Frequent online interactions help Gen Z forge social bonds. Their identity is tied to social media activity, driving continual platform engagement.
Unlike other social networks focused on existing connections, Yubo was built as a social discovery app without likes or followers. This promotes authentic connections free from pressure to perform. The app makes it easy to filter profiles by location and gender and message potential friends.
Yubo believes authentic connections build a happier world. Fostering a sense of community promotes genuine relationships beyond surface-level interactions. Customization puts users in control – they choose the content they see.
Yubo’s founders wanted to recreate the best aspects of real-life interactions digitally. Since launch, the app has prioritized people over content and real-time experiences over likes. Former executive Marie Tran said Yubo recognizes performance without compromising work-life balance and treats people equally.
The app appeals to the tech-savvy and impatient Gen Z. Users can instantly interact with others live on the platform, eliminating wait times. “We’re all about real-time interactions,” said CTO Arthur Patora. “We try to make sure that when we have an idea, we act on it by keeping it simple and testing it quickly.”
User safety is Yubo’s top priority. The app focuses on prevention, detection, and moderation to ensure a safe experience. “It’s important to make Yubo a safe place for young people to meet and interact online,” said Patora.
Yubo is now available on iOS and Android for those who are ready to make new friends through live social discovery tailored for Gen Z.